goldgas GmbH (A)

goldgas has been supplying Austrian households with natural gas since 2011. This makes goldgas one of the first alternative natural gas suppliers on the Austrian energy market and it has been offering new and existing customers favourable energy prices with fair tariff conditions since the beginning.

Facts and figures


Founding year


satisfied customers


Austrian electricity from sustainable sources


goldgas GmbH (A)


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Other Group companies: 

BALANCE   |   ENERGIEUNION   |   G.EN. Gaz Energia   |   G.EN. Operator   |   GDMcom   |   Geomagic   |   goldgas (D)   |   goldgas (A)   |   HANDEN   |   INFRACON   |   MGMTree   |   ONTRAS   |   SPIGAS   |   VNG AG   |   VNG Austria   |   VNG Energie Czech   |   VNG Gasspeicher   |   VNG Handel & Vertrieb   |   VNG Innovation   |   VNG Italia