What our employees have to say

Having the opportunity to actively help shape the energy transformation and integration of the gas sector into a renewable and decarbonised energy industry is a great privilege for me. Thanks to the trust placed in me and the wide support I receive, I’m very well equipped for my role of successfully representing VNG Handel und Vertrieb GmbH in negotiations, some of which can be tough.
Felix Müller
Law/Regulation/Process Management

I’ve been with the company for a long time so I can see how things have changed at VNG. We always had a better-than-average company pension scheme, an employee share ownership scheme and health management. In addition, VNG now also offers individual benefits such as reduced internet charges, recreation allowances, travel passes, prepaid gift cards and childcare allowances.
Ingrid Winker
HR Administration/Social Insurance

I find working in Research & Development on renewable energies extremely exciting and there’s never a dull day. Being able to put forward ideas is particularly important for me, as well as initiating and implementing innovative projects with colleagues from other disciplines and departments. The people at VNG have a strong team spirit and are committed to the company. As I have experienced for myself, this is certainly due in no small part to the company actively embracing social and corporate responsibility, rather than just paying lip service to it.
Dr. Kai Schulze
Green Gases

As part of the project management office of VNG Handel & Vertrieb, it’s my job to make sure that our interdisciplinary teams work together and projects succeed. Being an active contributor and enabler, while overcoming obstacles together – these opportunities and challenges are part and parcel of my everyday work.
Vera Reime
Business IT

What I particularly like is the trust that my boss places in me. I get to work very independently under my own initiative and am free to exercise my discretion during meetings and negotiations with farmers.
The photoshoot at the biogas facility in Gordemitz where this shot was taken was a special experience. Having opportunities to be involved and being able to showcase what I do on a daily basis highlights how we are valued as employees.
Annabel Thierbach
Gordemitz Biogas Facility

It’s virtually impossible to pick out just one positive aspect – that would give a false impression in my view. What I find exceptional is the personal interaction, the flexibility and the courage to accept and make changes. While also being able to learn from mistakes, adapt decisions or live and persevere with the consequences, whether positive or negative! Being actively involved and part of what can be achieved when people/new employees join our growing company (in a very dynamic environment), really enjoying the daily tasks which are very varied indeed, accepting challenges and identifying with the company.
Dirk Homann
Head of Biogas Raw Material Management