MGMTree GmbH
Founded as a subsidiary of VNG AG in 2016, MGMTree has been advising customers ever since on how to identify potential for optimisation and digitalisation in their business processes and how to successfully design transformation processes.
In doing so, MGMTree enables organisations and their employees to independently identify and exploit their own potential – honestly and as equals. This is because it’s clear from experience that arriving at a solution on the basis of your own ideas motivates employees and enables them to forge ahead with commitment. Together, out-dated structures and ways of things are broken down and future-proof avenues for digital transformation are opened up.
Facts and Figures
Lego men
(help during workshops)
successfully completed customer projects
turnover in 2020
Other Group companies:
BALANCE | ENERGIEUNION | G.EN. Gaz Energia | G.EN. Operator | GDMcom | Geomagic | goldgas (D) | goldgas (A) | HANDEN | INFRACON | MGMTree | ONTRAS | SPIGAS | VNG AG | VNG Austria | VNG Energie Czech | VNG Gasspeicher | VNG Handel & Vertrieb | VNG Innovation | VNG Italia