Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do as a company

Sustainability has played a key role in VNG’s operations for decades. This commitment encompasses all of our economic and social activities. We are taking on the challenges arising from the energy transition and the fight against climate change. Our overriding mission is and remains providing a sustainable, reliable and secure supply of energy that meets the demands of our society. As a company that trades in fossil natural gas and operates a transport network and underground storage facilities for natural gas, we have a special responsibility to ensure security of supply while also shaping a climate-friendly energy supply. That is why we are already combining a reliable energy supply with the necessary transformation to green gases and driving forward projects in these areas across the company. 

We are highly involved in a wide range of areas in the social, cultural and sporting spheres, with a focus on our home region in the east of Germany.


As of 31 December 2023

* Certification by berufundfamilie Service GmbH

What are we doing?

VNG is focusing on three key action areas in order to drive sustainability: "Energy supply of the future", "Responsible employer" and "Value-oriented and transparent practices". Each of these action areas covers a set of clearly defined topics.

"Energy supply of the future"

VNG wants to play its part in establishing a secure, affordable and climate-friendly energy supply in a decarbonised world. To this end, we are driving the energy transition along our entire value chain. 

Our focus topics: 

  • Facilitating a secure and reliable energy supply
  • Developing renewable and decarbonised gases and promoting them to increase the extent to which they are used in the energy system
  • Driving innovation
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our own operations

"Responsible employer"

Our aim is to create a working environment in which our employees can be actively involved in shaping the energy supply in this country and transforming our business model, while also having opportunities to develop themselves further. 

Our focus topics: 

  • Developing skills and facilitating participation
  • Promoting health and ensuring safety
  • Embracing diversity as an opportunity

"Value-oriented and transparent practices"

We are committed to complying with legal requirements and acting in line with our values at all times. VNG has clearly defined business principles and provides transparent reports about its activities to third parties. 

Our focus topics: 

  • Acting in a value-based and legally compliant manner
  • Expanding dialogue and communication
  • Accepting responsibility for the region

This three-pronged approach to sustainability along the three overarching themes at VNG culminates in a comprehensive sustainability strategy that is developed, managed and assessed by experts in the company's corporate and specialist departments.

2023 VNG Sustainability Report

Our sustainability report describes our current status quo. It contains all sustainable activities and measures identified as material for the Group companies VNG AG, VNG Handel & Vertrieb GmbH, VNG Gasspeicher GmbH, ONTRAS Gastransport GmbH und BALANCE Erneuerbare Energien GmbH.


Download the 2023 VNG Sustainability Report here.

2023 VNG Sustainability Report

Grundsatzerklärung zum Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG)

VNG übernimmt Verantwortung für ihre Lieferketten und setzt sich für die Einhaltung von Menschenrechten sowie Umweltstandards entlang ihrer gesamten Wertschöpfungskette ein. Gemäß den Vorgaben des Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetzes (LkSG) verpflichtet sich VNG, Risiken in ihren Lieferketten systematisch zu analysieren, geeignete Präventions- und Abhilfemaßnahmen zu ergreifen und transparente Berichterstattung sicherzustellen. In diesem Zusammenhang hat der Vorstand der VNG AG die Grundsatzerklärung nach dem Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz verabschiedet.

Cover Grundsatzerklärung LkSG

Supplier Code of conduct

As a responsible energy supply company, we attach great importance to ethical behaviour, sustainability and transparency. Our Supplier Code of Conduct is a guideline for our suppliers and partners that clearly defines the expectations of their business practices and behaviour and forms the basis for our collaboration.


Basic integrity and ethics: We expect our suppliers to adhere to the highest ethical standards. Corruption, bribery and unfair business practices are unacceptable.

Human rights and working conditions: We are committed to respecting human rights and fair working conditions. Discrimination, forced labour and child labour are strictly prohibited.

Environmental protection: Our suppliers must act in an environmentally conscious manner. We support sustainable practices and the responsible use of resources.

Health and safety: The safety of our employees and partners is our top priority. Our suppliers must ensure that their working environment is safe.

Transparency and reporting: We expect our suppliers to report transparently on their business practices and make improvements where necessary.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct is a promise to our customers, employees and society.