VNG Handel & Vertrieb acquires biomethane trader bmp greengas
The Leipzig-based gas trader VNG Handel & Vertrieb GmbH (“VNG H&V”), a wholly owned subsidiary of the gas concern VNG AG (“VNG”), has acquired the biomethane trader bmp greengas GmbH (“bmp”) from EnBW. After endorsement by a creditor meeting held in conjunction with bmp’s insolvency, EnBW provisionally acquired bmp at the beginning of this year. In March 2024, the insolvency proceedings were legally finalised and bmp was able to resume regular trading activities on the market. All formal requirements for the conclusion of the transaction between VNG H&V and EnBW have now been met.
“We decided to acquire bmp to further expand our green gas business. Biomethane is making an increasingly important contribution to decarbonising the German economy – in the generation of electricity, supplying heat, in the transport sector and as a raw material in industry. Under the Commission’s plans, production of biomethane in the EU is to be significantly increased by 2030 – meaning that the importance of the green, regionally produced and storable gas for a climate-neutral energy supply will grow constantly. With the acquisition of bmp’s biomethane portfolio, we will be able to significantly expand our biogas business. Together with the employees of bmp, we want to regain the trust of the market in the company. As a solid partner, we will work together with bmp to ensure the security of supply of its customers and to reinforce our relationship with suppliers,” says Stephan Haupt, Managing Director of VNG H&V. Sales and trading in renewable and decarbonised gases will become increasingly important for VNG H&V. “As one of the largest gas traders in Germany, we have the know-how required to successfully manage a large portfolio of biogas contracts in a risk-conscious manner,” adds Konstantin von Oldenburg, Managing Director of VNG H&V.
The trading activities, including the biomethane portfolio and existing contracts as well as the personnel, will remain with bmp after the takeover by VNG H&V. This means that bmp will continue to operate in Munich as an independent subsidiary of VNG H&V.
VNG has defined ensuring security of supply and shaping the energy transition by transforming natural gas into renewable and decarbonised gases as cornerstones of its VNG 2030+ strategy. As VNG’s trading and sales subsidiary, VNG H&V also finds itself in the midst of the transformation to green gases. The acquisition of bmp will accelerate the pace of this transformation. This will also contribute directly to the fulfilment of Group strategy, in which the expansion of the biogas business plays a prominent role.

VNG is a group of over 20 companies active in the European energy industry, employing about 1,700 people. As a gas importer and wholesaler as well as an operator of critical gas infrastructure, the Group, which is headquartered in Leipzig, is central to the secure supply of gas in Germany. With the “VNG 2030+” strategy, VNG is also pursuing an ambitious path for a market ramp-up of renewable and decarbonised gases such as biogas and hydrogen, paving the way for a sustainable, secure supply and, in the long term, climate-neutral energy system of the future.
VNG Handel & Vertrieb GmbH, based in Leipzig, is a subsidiary of VNG AG and is responsible for the wholesale business within the VNG Group. It supplies natural gas reliably and flexibly to trading companies, redistributors, municipal utilities and major customers in Germany and abroad. With innovative products for an environmentally friendly energy supply, it offers its customers comprehensive support for the implementation of the energy transition. As a natural gas wholesaler and energy service provider, VNG Handel & Vertrieb GmbH has close ties to its local region and is internationally well-placed. With its staff, it draws on 60 years of experience.
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Management of VNG Handel & Vertrieb GmbH and bmp greengas GmbH: Konstantin von Oldenburg (Managing Director VNG H&V), Sven Kraus (Managing Director bmp), Stephan Haupt (Managing Director VNG H&V), Stefan Schneider (Managing Director bmp)